Thursday, June 29, 2006

Zürich: Meeting Grace

Today's the first day since June 9th that no WM game will be played. What? No World Cup game today? How can that be? What's going on in this world? Actually, today and tomorrow there'll be no games, as teams get ready for the quarter finals.

Maybe it's just as well that there are no games the next few days, because my trip enters a different phase today also. I switch focus from Deutschland to Italia, via die Schweiz.

I left Frankfurt around 11am, and arrived in Zürich around 4pm. There I met up with Grace, who's joining me for the next week. Together we will conquer Firenze (Florence) & Roma. I'm excited about this next portion of my trip, because I think I'm ready for a different side of Europe. Italia fascinates me. So much history. I look forward to take in as much of it as I can.

On the ohter hand, I'm a little nervous too. One of the best ways to ruin a friendship is to go travelling together. I'm an expert at that: I've done it at least twice before. On the other hand, perhaps there's no better way to find out if Grace and I are a good match until we spend 24 hours a day together for 7 days in a row, in a place neither of us are at home. Sounds like fertile grounds for World War III to me....

But anyways, I'll give it a go. I look forward to it.

Anyways, it was great seeing Grace again. I'd missed her during my time in Germany. We had a pleasant time catching up.

After meeting up, we went for dinner and a nice walk around the city, before settling at a café near the train station for a few hours. At 10:30pm we boarded the train. Next stop: Firenze.

By the way, Zürich is beautiful, but it's freakin' expensive.

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