Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Berlin: Gedächtniskirche, Ku'Damm

Berlin is one of my favourite cities, alongside Buenos Aires, Madrid, and Milan. Today I bought myself a 7-day transit pass for Berlin, which cost €25.90 .. not cheap! But it will be worth it, as over the next few days I plan to visit many parts of Berlin.

I started my time in this city by visiting the commercial district. I wanted to see the World Cup excitement as experienced in Berlin. I walked around until my feet practically fell off.

The best part of the day was visiting the Gedächtniskirche, a church bombed during World War II. In fact, all that is left of the church to this day is the tower:


The tall structure to the right of the bombed out tower is a (rather ugly) memorial, but to the left of the church (barely visible), is a new, smaller, and equally ugly memorial church. Well, it's ugly from the outside, but the inside is somewhat more bearable.

Neue Gedäachtniskirche

On a different note, Johnny and Jelena are amazing people. They are kind and hospitable. They have two girls, Louise (12), and Jo Enna (1). I haven't interacted much with Jelena yet, but I've had a few nice conversations with Johnny. I look forward to get to know them both a little better.

Today's WM scores:
Australia 3 - Japan 1
Czech Republic 3 - USA 0
Italy 2 - Ghana 0

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