Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Tasty Soup

I went to Abbotsford late this afternoon for a celebratory dinner for Ted's 41st (?) birthday. First I dropped by Ted & Karin's place and hung out there for a bit, before heading to mom & dad's for dinner.

At around 5pm I arrived at Ted's. I played "bumm-a-war" on the trampolin with my nephews Neal & Dylan, before heading inside and talking with Ted and Karin for a bit. We reminisced about Ted's "Strongwill" days in Paraguay. Yes, those were the days....

At around 7pm we all headed over to mom & dad's for dinner. As usual, the dinner tasted excellent, and as usual, there was enough food left over to feed a hungry village in Africa. Lord have mercy ...

After dinner we went inside and had a nice chat about all kinds of topics. Yes indeed, it is in these kinds of situations where the young and old, the intelligent and ignorant, the serious and jovial, mix to form some sort of familial-conversation-soup that one never knows quite what to make of. One may like or dislike the taste, but tasteless this soup is not, for its ingredients are far too filled with passionate talk about personal and impresonal matters.

Anyways, enough philosophical psycho-bable: it was a good day. Enough said for today.

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