Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Studying & Hiking

I did lots of schoolwork today, researching on Benedictine monastic communities. I'm interested in learning how they can help us in our life together in the church today. It seems to me we have much to learn from them. Well, I'm still formulating my thesis statement, but it's going to be something along those lines.

I hiked the Grouse Grind again today: 54 minutes.

I took public transportation though, to get to Grouse. Argggghhhhh .. it's gonna take a lot of effort & discipline to do that again. What with a bus-seabus-bus routine the whole ordeal took 3.5 hours. That's a whole hour longer than if I take my car. On the other hand, I was able to read while traveling, and that's something I usually can't do. So I guess it all evens out...

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