Friday, September 01, 2006

Travelling Light

I helped my good friend Rudy move into a new apartment earlier this evening, and as I saw all the "stuff" he moved, I couldn't help but be reminded of my own moves over the past 10 years: Abbotsford-New West (1997), New West-Kits (2000), Kits-Fairview (2001), Fairview-City Hall (2002), and furthermore, I couldn't help but think how much we love to gather and collect stuff.

All kinds of stuff. Big stuff. Small stuff. Old stuff. New stuff. Good stuff. Bad stuff. Some stuff that we need, but really when it comes right down to it, a whole lotta shitty stuff that really serves no need at all, other than distracting us even for just a tiny little while from anything remotely important.

Neil Postman wrote, among other books, a book called "Amusing Ourselves To Death". I think I need to read that book, because he probably addresses this tendency of ours to accummulate and consume for no other reason than self-amusement.

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