Wednesday, May 17, 2006

On Foot

Yesterday my car insurance ran out. I don't plan to insure my car again until after I return from Europe.

This is an experiment of sorts. I want to see what it's like to live without a car. More and more I'm coming to believe that my future is car-less: more time for people in one particular geographical area, less time for road-rage, higher commitment to particularity (a defined "yes" to some things, and "no" to other things), and less randomness.

I wonder how realistic this is.

Then again, what happens if I ever marry? Yeah I know .. that would be even more miraculous than being car-less, but let me indulge for a moment. Will my wife agree to walking and/or bussing, or will she want to drive a Mercedes while I bust my feet on the pavement? What about mopeds? They're practical in the summer, cheap, and cool, even if unsafe and a pain in the winter. But then again, going to the symphony on a moped would be interesting: dressed up nicely while on a moped sounds very European, but the big bonus would be that ma femme would have to hold on oh so tightly.

Oh well, all these questions. On we go .. one day at a time....


Anonymous said...



cub said...

thanks federico. by the way .. you have an interesting blog. forza italia. ;)