Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Happy Birthday Missla!

Yesterday was my dear friend Missla's birthday. Hope it was a very special day Miss! Take good care of yourself .. if you need someone to kick some yellow page phone books with, lemme know.

Also, I know a really good trick: next time you drive onto a highway, cut someone off badly. Then, as they try to pass you all pi$$ed off and angry, give them the "hooooohooooooo" whining signal. Add hand motions around the eyes for special effect.

It works like a charm. Try it sometime .... ;)

Happy Birthday!


Faith K said...

What can I say? You're bad!

cub said...

oooops. were you the person i cut off? ;)

Faith K said...

Ouch!!! haha.... don't you dare!!! ;)