Thursday, January 05, 2006

Unannounced Visits Are The Best

I know in our Canadian culture unannounced visits are frowned upon, but I absolutely love them. I love it when someone takes a risk and drops by my place without prior warning. This happened yesterday, when my friend ML dropped by.

What more, she dropped by after 10pm. I mean, I could've been in bed by then, yet she took the chance to drop-in. Kudos to you, ML! We had a great time catching up, eating chocolate, and at the end I brought out the good-ol-Pfefferminzkuchen that are always so well received (especially by her!).

She's going back to Tokyo this weekend, where she continues to build her nest. Going to miss her. Gone are the kick-the-yellow-pages days.

Anyways, here are a few pics we took last night.

ML's happy to get the first bite:

Wait a minute, why doesn't Cub get a bite!?!?

Oh yeah, before I forget! Mom, can I have some more cookies? ML took them all.... ;)

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