Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Rosewoods Report

Seven of us - MLe, MLo, JW, OYS, CM, RC, and I - met late afternoon on Friday, and embarked on a weekend get-away trip to Pender Harbour. We'd planned the weekend as a way of strengthening friendships and getting some good rest early in the semester, before the stress of papers, research, writing, and exams engulf us.

It was indeed a great time of community-building. Nothing brings people together more than "living under one roof."

Here are some highlights from our weekend:

* Food - CM did a phenomenal job with the food. We ate spaghetti, granola (MLo actually made it), Spanish tortillas, brownies, and plenty of fruits. MLo made amazing coffee too.

* Worship - on Sunday morning we had a wonderful time of worship together. MLe lead the singing, MLo lead the sharing, and I lead prayers. I was amazed by the depth of commitment and faith in our group. What a blessing!

* Canoeing - A few of us went canoeing. I loved the physical exertion to my arms!!! I should take up canoeing.... Furthermore, the scenery was stunning. I found myself praising God as I was rowing through the calm waters of the inlet.

* Games - We played a lot of games. My favourite was Rook. I've always enjoyed good card games.

* Mate - JW should be a salesman for yerba mate. He brought his guampa and bombilla, and convinced everyone that drinking mate was not only a great drink, but a great way to build community. Well done JW!!! We'll make a Paraguayan out of you yet...!!!

* Photos - I took over 200 pictures. MLo is a great photographer, so I got many tips on how to take good pics from him. It helps that we live in paradise here, so it's not difficult to find good photo targets!

* Impromptu road-soccer - JW's van broke down on our way to a hike on Sunday, so while stuck waiting for help, we brought out the soccer ball and played in the middle of the road. Sweet!

There were also a few disappointments:

* Van problems - JW was kind enough to drive us up in his van, but unfortunately it broke down twice, and that ended up wasting valuable time. It delayed our arrival on Friday by 4 hours, and it prevented us from going hiking on Sunday.

* It was not a restful weekend. In light of car troubles it was hard to relax. Personalitites were tested, characters stretched.

* Study - I only got in about 30 minutes of reading.

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