Monday, January 02, 2006

NYE @ Cub's

I hosted a New Year's Eve (NYE) party last night. It was lots of fun. I'd invited almost 50 people, knowing that in a flakey place like Vancouver, I'd be very lucky if half of them showed up. The party mentality in this city is as follows: "I'll go to the party that seems most promising in terms of fun (ie - food, music, entertainment, people), and in order to keep my options open I will not commit to any of the parties until as late as possible, in order to maximize the accuracy and certitude of my selection." Pathetic. But, I admit, I've done it too, so I'm included in the pathetic. All this to say that my calculation was correct: when inviting people to a party, expect at the most 50% turnout. My goodness, even the voting turnout in Canada is better than party attendance. Pathetic. Or, perhaps more accurately, apathetic.

Ok. Now that my bitter rant is over, I can get on with the business of telling what happened, because a lot did happen, a lot of fun was had, and people did come: over 20 of them. We had fun, laughed, listened to good music, drank wine, shared "best of the year," and had a toast to meeting next year's challenges with God's help. Here is how December 31st, 2005 unfolded:

10:20am - picked up CM who kindly helped with party prep: setup, food, decorations.

6pm - RS arrives to help with setup. We order pizza for dinner, prepare music playlist for the evening.

Photo Hosted at

Photo Hosted at

8-9:30pm - Cub's freaking out, because by 9:30, only about 7 people had arrived. I was devastated, wondering how my friends could "betray" me on a night like tonight. I was thinking "I guess I know who my true friends are."

Friends (aka "Formula 1 Freaks"):
F1 Freaks

9:30-11pm - all of a sudden, within about 45 minutes, 15 people showed up. I was relieved. Truly. Conversation increased, the music got louder, and more wine bottles were opened. I was really thankful, because everyone brought something to share: wine, Bailey's, chocolates, cheesecake, pop, etc...

I love this photo:
Strike a pose

IL & DC:

C &AJ L:
A lovely couple

MB & Cub (I love my new shirt .. hehe):
Photo Hosted at

11:20pm - Playlist master of the night RS "unleashes" relentless waves of Tiesto and Oakenfold mixes upon the masses. Does it get any better? I think not. Thanks R, job well done!

Mixmaster RS:
So sexy it hurts


11:40pm - we asked everyone to fill up their glass with wine, and take a cherry. Then we formed a circle, and one by one we shared either a) what was special to us this past year, b) what we want to focus on this upcoming year, or c) both, a and b. (Thanks CM for suggesting this activity .. it went over very well, although I forgot to explain to everyone the significance of the cherry .. btw .. what is the significance of the cherry?) I was really blessed by some of the things that were said: people were thankful for their relationships (friends, spouses), work, and travels; and people were looking for a new year of less work and more time to enjoy life (although one person was looking forward to finding a job!), being closer to God and friends, and healing. My vision for the future is simplicity and purity.

11:50pm - we had a toast. Music was pumping, and we gave everyone NYE party toys, like masks, hats, and I even put on a blue wig. Everyone was standing up, mingling, and it looked like no one was marginalized or neglected, which often times happens at parties. It looked like people were having a lot of fun.

Sideshot, LD, RS, D, & BL:
Photo Hosted at

Cub and EW wearing a party wig:
Mili Vanili are back?

ET & DH:
Photo Hosted at

12am, January 1, 2006 - smiles all around. After a coundown, people wished one another a happy new year, proposing more toasts. Noise. Music. Laughter. Hugs. Unfortunately, no kisses. ;)

12:10am - the thing I liked most about the evening was that after midnight, the momentum of the party did not disappear. In fact, for the next hour or so, interaction was great, people were getting to know one another, mingling, celebrating the new year , enjoying some good techno. (Well, I was enjoying the techno. Not sure everyone else was, but hey this was my party!!)

Group photo (some people missing):
Group Pic

1:20am - the exodus begins: people start going home.

2am - party ended.

3am - Cub went to bed.

Highlights of the party:

* people came!
* Cherry toast - a time of sharing
* A girl named B
* Decorations
* Paul Oakenfold and Tiesto
* A glass of Santa Rita Chardonnay
* Party toys
* Conversation with CL
* Cameras
* My new UCB shirt
* Friendships

Lord Jesus, thank you for your presence among us last night.
We give you thanks, praise, and glory!

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