Monday, January 09, 2006

My Mind's Made Up

I made up my mind over a month ago as to who I was going to vote for in our national election on January 23rd, but after listening to the national debate on the radio just now, I'm even more convinced of my decision.

Stephen Harper's the man. He's got character, integrity, and purpose. Fiscally he's responsible, while socially he's the only man amongst a bunch of liberal ideologue boys who speak of tolerance but have no idea what that word means.

Paul Martin's a liar, opportunist, and he's morally bankrupt. He looks at what people want on any given day and tries to give them that. That's not leadership. That's cowardice.

Jack Layton's the funniest of the lot. I appreciate some of his views on "helping working people", but unfortunately being "anti-corporation" and "anti-USA" doesn't solve the problems he claims to be able to solve.

I won't even waste my time and give the other contestants air-time.


Anonymous said... scarrry.....ahhhhhhhh

cub said...

rhetoric rhetoric rhetoric .. next please.....

Anonymous said...

well, rhetoric notwithstanding......oh, wait, can we still do that??

cub said...

HAHAHA .. that was good, funny! perhaps your train's not as slow as i thought!!!