Saturday, August 06, 2005

Rugby Club

Tonight was boys night out, w/ RS, EW, PC, and MB.

After a long day of work, we met at the Rugby Club for a good dinner. It was good to see the guys again: conversation was light, beer was cheap, and the food was good.

I had two Stellas, Szechuan green beans, and pasta with a pesto sauce. I've heard others say that the food there is excellent .. and they were right.

Aside from the good company, food, and drink though, the highlight of the evening was probably our waitress. My gosh .. she was stacked. And gorgeous too. I think she was Italian. I'm convinced that we probably spent double the amount we would have spent had she been just average. I know that I would only have ordered one beer, but for her beautiful and convincing .... uhm, words.

Boys. Guys. Men. We're so shallow. I love it.

The Boyz

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