Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Explosion De Grasa

Today was a lovely sunny day. Actually, the past 3 weeks have been lovely & sunny! But what made today special was that it was a holiday .. BC Day.

I was supposed to go hiking in Chilliwack with AJ&CL & AEK, but things didn't work out. AJ called me at 6:21am (yes, when someone calls me THAT early, I remember the exact time!!), to tell me that C was sick with a kidney infection. They'd spent the entire night at the hospital, and were not up to a hike. Sad news...

I decided to wait until 8am to call & tell AEK that we weren't going hiking. Upon calling her I found out that her grandfather had passed away last night. More sad news...

This had all the signs of a terrible day. I went back to sleep until 11:30.

In the afternoon I went to pick up AEK, and we went to Rocky Point Park in Port Moody. To be honest, I didn't really want to go. I wanted to hang out on my hammock at home and relax, but I knew that AEK needed extra care on this day, so I went along with her suggestion.

In retrospect, I'm glad we went, because we enjoyed ourselves there. We went for a 5km walk through the forest, and along the lake. Afterwards, we came back and bought some yummy ice-cream, and then we had some fish & chips for dinner.

Dinner was great .. but greasy. Afterwards, I felt so stuffed. I was ready to explode. It would have been an explosion de grasa (grease explosion). Thank goodness, no explosion occurred.

After arriving back at my apartment, we were both exhausted, and took a nap. She on my couch, and I on my hammock.

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