Thursday, August 25, 2005

Another Toast!

Yesterday after work I went out for dinner with one of my best friends, CL. I rarely see her, and when I do, it's always in a group of people. But last night it was just the two of us, and it was grand.

There are very few women that can carry a good, intelligent, and fun conversation like she can.

In the span of 3 hours, we discussed the following topics:
* AEK (ie - relationships)
* F1 racing
* Travel journalism
* The church
* Sex (homosexuality, contraception, birthrates, and of course, we tried to answer the ever-so-important question: How do fat people have sex?)
* Politics (Canada, America, Israel/Palestine)
* Dating (more AEK)
* Book authors (from Dostoyevski to Uris to Weigel; from Friedmann to Kaplan to Feiler)
* Evangelicalism in North America (Televangelist Pat Robertson's statement that the US should assassinate President Chavez of Venezuela. Has he lost his mind? Can you take Scripture out of context THAT badly? Is this the role of the church - to tell the government who to 'take out'? Has he heard of the gospels? Is this what it means to "do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?")
* Islam, Judaism, Christianity
* Film
* Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie .. I know. Rather shallow .. but apparently women like talking about this sorta stuff. I was shocked!

How about another toast: to good friends, to good conversations.


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