Thursday, May 26, 2005

Burning Questions

Last night was the first night of our Christianity Explored course at church. We had over 30 visitors. After a wonderful teriyaki chicken, rice, & salad meal, and watching the introductory video session, we went into our small group discussions, and asked participants to share their burning questions. Here are the responses we received:

* What is my purpose here on earth? Why do I exist? How should I live my life?
* If God is love, why do I feel so unloved? Why am I so lonely? Why doesn't God communicate?
* If Jesus Christ is God, and if he's relational, how do I get to know him?
* Jesus Christ lived a good moral life. Why does that make him God?
* How/why is Jesus Christ relevant to my life today?
* How does faith work? Is it up to me to get it, or is it something that comes from God?

I was humbled and encouraged by these excellent questions. Over the next six weeks we will be studying the gospel of Mark together. Lord, open our hearts and minds to receive you.

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