Sunday, April 03, 2005

I Don't Get It

Went to a family dinner tonight - great food, great conversation, great pics (family returned from South America), and great company.

Towards the end of the evening it happened .. twice. I had something (important) to say, and both times I said it in such a way that other people were like "What's your shtick?"

So what's the deal with family arguments? Why is it that in familial disputes opinions are held more strongly, and harsher words are said? Why does rage engulf us to an extent few other situations do?

I don't get it.


Anonymous said...

Kudos to you for setting up this online diary. It takes a lot of guts. But really, why hide? This is an exercise of self-love. And I have always said that a friend is someone who knows everything about you, and is still your friend.

Anonymous said...

The stronger the love, the more sensitive the feelings and harsher the retaliations.

cub said...

Yes .. very true. In fact, the more dirt my friend "lets me in on", the more privileged I feel to be their friend. We're all broken in one way or another, and sharing our brokenness w/ others is the first step to healing.

Thx for your comments.