Saturday, April 23, 2005

Healthy Lifestyle

Ever since the fútbol season ended in early March, I've been struggling to find a way to stay fit. Playing on a team this past year was good for so many reasons, like social interaction or tension release, for example. But one of the main benefits was that it was a committed way of staying relatively fit.

I was able to play a full game, without needing oxygen masks at the end of the game .. and that's a good thing!

In the past 1.5 months, however, I've noticed that I'm "putting on the pounds", as they say. I feel heavier, my cheeks seem massively round, almost swollen, and my stomach, well, that's a whole 'nother story. I've had to "loosen" my belt a notch, otherwise I feel like I'm gonna fart every step I take!

So .. over the summer months I'm going to do the following to "regain" my form. I'm going to do some form of exercise at least three days per week, including a combinatoin of the following:

* exercise in the gym
* play fútbol (summer team);
* hike the Grouse Grind and/or other miscellaneous hikes.

Note: Ideal workout each week consists of one fútbol game and two hikes (at least one must be the Grind), totalling at least 3 hours.

In addition, here is my new eating "regiment"; a system that worked well over the past 3 years, but which has over the past 2 months mysteriously fallen by the wayside. Generally speaking, I'll still follow the "all things in moderation" motto. I refuse to give up the "good" things in life, such as chocolate, coffee, pastries, bread, and the odd beer and pizza. They just need to be enjoyed in moderation. So, here goes:

* Breakfast, everyday. It needs to include a bowl of fruits at least every other day. One tablespoon of yogurt mixed in with fruits is acceptable.
* Eat home cooked meals at least 4 days a week. Take leftovers to work for lunch, to avoid grease pit at work.
* A bowl of salad at least every other day.
* Less sweets, including dulce de leche, honey, jam, and nutella.
* No more than two cups of coffee per day. Only on very special occasions are three cups allowed, and never after 9pm.
* Six cups of water per day. This means, less mango juice.
* No more than three mates per week. NOTE: watch honey intake!
* No meal after 9pm, and no snack after 10pm.

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