Saturday, November 19, 2005


I suppose today I should post something "happy" and "joyful" because today was my birthday, but I'm feeling pretty shitty nowadays, so I can't really say this day was that special. Here's how I spent it:

7:30am - woke up, prepared breakfast, drank mate

9am - did research for my History of Christianity paper; I'm going to write on the history of Christian worship

11am - went to library to do more research, pick up more books

3pm - prepared for Fusion event, God and Film

6pm - went to church; Fusion event went well .. 32 people showed up, movie was good, discussion was also very good

11pm - Steamworks with a great bunch of friends; this was definitely the highlight of the day; it was especially good to have two of my best friends present: CM and RS. Another friend I'm enjoying getting to know, EW, was also there; unfortunately, I forgot to bring along my camera, and so I was unable to take any pics

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