Sunday, October 16, 2005

A Promise

Hahaha...sometimes I love God's sense of humour, especially in light of Thursday's, Friday's, and yesterday's postings!!

A friend of mine from church invited me for a luncheon today. She also invited a few of her friends who are asking themselves some very important and meaningful questions about life; important spiritual questions about God, life, death, etc. The reason I was invited was to connect with others and offer friendship.

So far, so good.

Most everyone there was married, except for two people: a beautiful woman, J, and .. uhmmm … me.

After doing some small-talk with others, I finally met J.

We had quite an interesting conversation. We talked about all kinds of topics: her work, my school, faith, food, apartments, travelling, and childhood. My eyes were stuck on her like glue. I’m pretty sure I smiled the whole time we spoke. I don’t remember (my memory is cloudy), but it is quite possible that I was drooling too.

As our conversation proceeded, I increasingly felt like we had a genuine connection. My heart was beating like a drum. I felt my blood rushing through my veins. I felt euphoric.

At the end of the luncheon I was faced with the dilemma: “Do I or do I not ask for her phone number.” Had I met her at the grocery store, bakery, or on the bus, I’d have asked her for her phone number; actually, there’s no doubt I’d have asked her out, but I felt that because I was invited for the specific reason of being a friend to someone asking themselves difficult questions about the meaning of life, it just seemed wrong to do it.

On our way out we walked together for about a half block, before we split. As we said bye, she said that she’d come to church “sometime,” and that she'd "see me there." Knowing Vancouverites, I'll believe it when I see it.

But truth be told, in my humble opinion, we connected very well. For the rest of the day I couldn't get my mind off her. She had dark, piercing eyes, and a warm, genuine smile.

I will find a way to meet up with her again. That’s a promise.

Here are a few other things that I liked about her: she’s catholic, intelligent, soft, gentle, likes to cook, and dresses well (note: she wore boots, which is a pre-requisite if a woman wants to be known as “well-dressed”). She needs a new umbrella though, as the one she had was an ugly blue/white-striped golf umbrella. Oh and one last thing: she’s Italian-Canadian.

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