Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Left Wanting

I’m realizing that I’m in the middle of an intense spiritual warfare battle, waged over my very being. The Evil One has been working hard the past few weeks, nay, months.

Beginning with my disappointing Greek-learning experience in July, my knee injury and breakup with AEK in August, my grandma’s death in September, the demoralizing effect of dwindling worshipers on Sunday nights and the impending end of my work contract now in October, I feel attacked. At first I thought these connections were merely incidental, but I no longer believe they are. They are a part of a strategic move by the Father Below.

I know why he’s attacking me now, and I’ll write about that tomorrow. But suffice it to say, he’s doing a grand job:

* Jesus was a good guy, but certainly no Messiah, no God-man, no “God in the flesh.”
* Surely all religions are equal. The idea of “Christian exclusivism” is just that. An idea.
* Discipleship? What a waste of time.
* Be religious, that’s great. But this “relationship with Jesus” you keep thinking about, how lame is that…
* Check out that girl. My oh my…
* The Bible? Talk about a farce. Like the accuracy of the events in it have been preserved .. yeah right.

I’ve got news for you, Worm: You’re a fucking joke. The war’s already been fought and won, and you’ve been left wanting.

I’d suggest that you bow your knee at the feet of Jesus, because one day everyone – including you – will do it. Who knows, if you repent, there might even be hope for you.

In the meantime, in the name of Jesus, leave me the hell alone.

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