Monday, October 14, 2013

Wakamow Valley Walk

I went to church this morning.  How disappointing to find out that there would be no Eucharist on Thanksgiving Sunday.  Eucharist means thanksgiving in Greek.  What an irony: no thanksgiving on Thanksgiving.  I've never noticed this liturgical detail before....

Afterwards I went to my usual coffee shop and parked myself there for 4 hours and read.  I finished reading a book by Henri Nouwen on aging.  Profound.  I looked back over the last 5 years or so and noticed that he's the author I've read most during this timespan.  Time well spent.

Around 2pm I escaped the coffee shop, went home to get changed, got into my car and drove to Wakamow Valley, where I parked and went for a hike.

I hiked 13k's in total.  Fall colours were on full display.  Below's proof.

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