Thursday, October 10, 2013

Camino: Sobrado Revisited

After my 3rd and final day of rest in Sobrado last year on this day, this is how I felt:

* attended Laudes and Eucaristo; very lovely - there's something special about this monastery
* I'm still unsettled [after Jennifer's departure yesterday] - a tremendous feeling of desolation has come upon me; why do I feel so alone?
* monasteries always bring me face to face wtih my neediness and brokenness
* and yet, in the chapel, looking at the crucified One, I find peace; or, maybe Peace finds me...
* walked around town in the afternoon
* Visperas and Completas: "Salve Regina" - so beautiful!
* tomorrow the Camino continues: Lord have mercy!
* cleaned up room before going to sleep

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