Sunday, October 20, 2013

Books, Chocolate And Coffee

I went to Regina this morning to have a maintenance check (and interior cleaning!) done on my car.  While the mechanics were busy working, the car dealer shuttle driver was kind enough to drop me off downtown, where I could walk around a little and discover some of this city on foot.  I accomplished the following:

I discovered a bookstore that focuses on theological and spiritual themes.  Nice!  Being inside the store reminded me of all the hours I spent at the Regent Bookstore on the west coast.  How much money I spent there!  I was quite tempted to open my wallet and let myself go here, but happily, I was able to control my consumerist desires and adhere to the vow I made at the beginning of this year: no books until 2014!  I did, however, buy some resources for work: a few books on prayer and some cds with good music.

Afterwards I went to a local chocolatier and bought some chocolate for Spiritual Care Week, an upcoming event at work that I plan to use to raise awareness of the work that we do as soul-care practitioners.

Then I went to my favourite coffee shop - a short 2 block walk away - for a cappuccino.  In the past I'd have used this opportunity to take out whatever book I'm reading and read for awhile, but these days I'm not reading much, and I was content to just sort of sit and sip.

Mid-afternoon I called the shuttle driver who came and picked me up and drove me back to the car shop.  $300+ later, my car is now "roadworthy" again.  And it's clean inside, too.

Temperature during the day is around 10C.  Winter's just around the corner.

Tomorrow I'm going hiking in Wakamaw again.  This time with other hikers.

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