Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Working on Rememberance Day

Today was a national statutory holiday, yet our company made it a "regular production day." How disappointing.

The reason for it being declared a day like any other workday is that the company is under pressure to deliver all the products sold (we're sold out until the end of 2009).

I voiced my displeasure about this decision to the Human Resources department last week, and their response was basically "Yeah, you're right, it sucks to work on a holiday." I was actually told that "Everyone can be bought for a price." In our case, the price of purchase was 2.5 times our regular wage.

I succumbed. Not because I need the money, but because I want to give the company a show of good faith. They've been good to me the past 6 months, and I want to contribute or "pay back", I suppose. But still, this whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I don't like the fact that I can be bought for a price.

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