Thursday, September 07, 2006


David G, also affectionately known as the "Original Gangsta" has been visiting from Toronto the past few days: 8.29-31, 9.5-6. It's been great to see him.

Hanging out with him & Scott L. brings back such great memories from my university days, hanging out with the boys, playing soccer, going partying at the Luvafair. Man, it seems so long ago....

While Dave was here, we went to Al-Watan for Pakistani food twice, we met Scott for lunch downtown once, and we also walked around the city a ton. At first he was quite bitter that we went everywhere on foot, but by the end of his stay he was "converted" to this simpler way of getting from place to place. He found it refreshing, to walk everywhere. He got some exercise that way, he saw the city from "ground level", and what more, he enjoyed the way our conversations flowed more naturally during walks.

Late afternoon he went back to Toronto. Good luck going for walks in that concrete jungle....!

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