Monday, February 20, 2006

Deliverance: A Prayer

The Psalmist reminds the Israelites of God’s deliverance from the hands of king Pharaoh: “Give ear, O my people, to my teaching; incline your ears to the words of my mouth! I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings from of old, things that we have heard and known, that our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.” (78:1-4)

Heavenly Father we thank you that you have revealed yourself in history, through prophets and through Holy Scriptures that attest to your faithfulness and your steadfast guidance. We are grateful to you for the examples we have in servants such as Moses and Aaron, who did not harden their hearts towards you, but courageously stood against sin and did what’s right in your eyes.

Thank you for delivering your people, and for the good plans that you have for us, most evident in your Son, our Lord Jesus, whom you sent in order to reconcile us back to you. He showed us how to be truly human, and he paid for it with his own blood, even his life. Father, soften our hearts, so that we can follow your Son Jesus. Give us faith and steadfastness in following you.

So often we think we know better than you. We are proud, and even though we know our ways lead to destruction and despair, yet we still reject your good and righteous ways. Lord have mercy on us, and soften our hearts. May we be more faithful in clinging to you and your great promises.

Lord, in your Mercy, hear our prayer!

We pray for the world, a world that’s full of disaster, hurt, and pain. We think of those who have lost loved ones, family members, or homes in the landslides in the Philippines, or the earthquakes in Pakistan. Grant wisdom in the continued efforts to find survivors, and to feed, clothe, and house the hungry and homeless. We pray especially for your grace and protection upon Christian aid agencies and missionaries in these areas.

We also pray regarding the recent unrest in the Middle East, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Nigeria. May calm heads prevail amidst clashing worldviews and values. Bring healing oh Lord, to the people of the Muslim faith, through your Son Jesus Christ.

And we bring to you the western world, a world that marginalizes faith in a loving God, in favour of self-promotion, self-glorification, and self-improvement. Lord, have mercy on us. Empower us with your Holy Spirit, to love you and our neighbour with all our heart, mind, and soul.

Lord, in your Mercy, hear our prayer!

We pray for your church, still growing, still proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. We thank you particularly for our parish, St. John’s, and your steadfast guidance through many seasons, some good, and some painful. We are especially encouraged by the unity of heart and spirit evident earlier this week at the Vestry Meeting. Amidst the many challenges, you continue to strengthen, sustain, and guide us. May this unity bring glory to you, Lord, and may it bring us closer to you and one another in humility and love.

Additionally, we are grateful for the courageous leadership of your servants David, Dan, Neil, and the many others who experience the costs of following you in a very real way. Bless them, and strengthen them by your Word, by your Holy Spirit, and through your people.

Continuing to pray for the Anglican Communion, we direct intercession to you for our bishop, Michael I, and Andrew H, the Canadian Primate. We pray for special guidance and grace upon them both. Draw them to yourself Lord Jesus. We pray that they would not harden their hearts towards the gospel, but that they would embrace the truth of the gospel. Grant the gift of faith, Lord. We ask for wisdom for both of these leaders: wisdom that’s rooted not in the inklings and desires of this world, but wisdom that comes from you, the true fountain of wisdom.

Lord, in your Mercy, hear our prayer!

As we begin a new week, we silently entrust to your loving care the following people you’ve placed on our hearts and minds.

Lord Jesus, we offer ourselves to you. We commit ourselves to you. Fill the deepest longing we have with your love, so that we may be able to reach out to others in your name. May we join the Psalmist in ensuring that “the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done” are passed on from generation to generation.

All this we pray by the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, always worshiping, praising, and giving glory to the Father.


Evening Service Prayer at St. John's Shaughnessy Anglican Church, based on Exodus 7:1-24, and Psalm 78:1-4

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