Saturday, December 24, 2005

Suckers For Jesus

Tonight was my "Christmas Enchiladas and Sangria" party. I invited 15 of my family-less friends for a Mexican-themed (well, in terms of the food anyways) Chirstmas dinner. Eleven people came, which in my mind is a good turnout.

Early afternoon I met with my friends RC and CM, and went to Commercial Street to do some last-minute shopping for the party. We went to the $1 store to pick up decorations, and afterwards we dropped in at a few grocery stores to pick up food.

By mid-afternoon we were back at my place, cooking up a storm. On the menu was the following: enchiladas, rice, refried beans, and sangria. For dessert we had several yummy apple-crisps. RC and CM prepared the meal, CM did the decorations, and I made the sangria and did the general clean-up before the party.

CM and RC .. the party-prep team:
Are we really preparing Enchiladas?

The table is set:
Chirstmas Enchiladas!

Guests arrived around 6:30, and mingled for awhile until dinner time. The food was simply gosh, I was so astonished. We had a great time eating and conversing. After the meal we played a gift-exchange game that in my experience has always led to extreme displays of humanity's true colours: pride, selfishness, and arrogance; but in our group it seemed like we were all pacifists, and the game was (dare I say) almost boring! No one wanted to take the other person's present. Everyone was just way too gracious. Then again, it was probably just false piety: deep within we were burning with envy and jealousy.

There's a thief among us:
We have a thief among us

Finally TS wins the battle:
TS wins the battle

After the game we brought out the dessert, and had a "toast to Jesus" with sangria, where each of us shared a characteristic of Jesus we admire and seek to imitate : suffering, identifying with the "have-nots", humility, and the incarnation, were some of the traits mentioned that inspired us to following Christ faithfully. It felt strangely foreign to give a "prost", "salud", "cheers" to Jesus.

Then came the funniest part of the evening. CM brought out a bunch of candy-suckers, handed them out to us, and suggested that these suckers remind us that Christmas is about the celebration of God's entry into the world in a tiny little baby Jesus. As His followers, we too must become like little children. Someone else rightly suggested that we become suckers for Jesus. Hahaha, I thought that was rather funny, and well, true. Essentially, we are suckers for Jesus. What I found funny about the whole "sucker" thing was that it's something I would never have come up with. CM has a knack for taking simple (childish?) things and making super profound illustrations with them, all with a great sense of humour. It's a great blend of humour and theology which is something I have much to learn from.

Suckers for Jesus:
Suckers for Jesus

Suckers for Jesus (this time without suckers):
Suckers for Jesus (without suckers)

Afterwards, in typical Vancouver fashion, the party wound down quickly. It was like everyone had a revelation at the same time: "It's 11 o'clock, better get going home now." I don't get it. Whatever happened to "partying into the wee hours of the night!" If we can't party at Christmas, when can we party?

I was really blessed though, that everyone pitched in to help clean up my place. Wow! By the time everyone went home, my place was completely clean. That was a real blessing.

Thank you Lord, for special friends to spend special times with!
Bless each of them, according to your good and perfect will,
through Christ Our Lord.


Anonymous said...

Ed, this is a really neat thing that you've done for everyone! Don't you just love Christmas, when everyone comes together and enjoy the love of each other? I'm proud of you! :)

cub said...

hey Faith, yes, i love Christmas. Only Easter holds a place more dear to my heart!

thx for your kind comments. i've spent Christmas alone before, and know that in my loneliness friends reached out to me. this year i felt it was time for me to reach out to others who may feel alone. i'm glad i did. and hey, you can't go wrong with enchiladas and sangria can you! ;)

hope you had a meaningful Christmas too. :)