Thursday, December 15, 2005

Checkmarks And Stars

Wow, sometimes I'm impressed with myself. Better stop there, before I'm accused of being proud.

I finished two projects today:
- My 10 week Bible Study on Colossians is done. Ready for hand-in. I'm pretty happy with it. And I must say I learned a lot about St. Paul, and the letter to the church at Colossae!

- My book report is done too. Just finished it 10 minutes ago. I speed-read (is that a word?) through 150 pages in less then two hours. For me, a slow-poke reader, that's pretty good.

OK .. now all that's left is my final exam in history, which covers the Middle Ages to the Reformation. I'm going to prepare myself by focusing essentially on the following two themes, and then hope and pray that they will be on the exam. ;)

Here are the topics:
* - Monastic Renewals during the Middle Ages: What were the conditions under which monastic renewals occurred? How were they a pre-cursor to Martin Luther? Compare several of the renewal movements: Cluny, Citeaux, Franciscan, Dominican.

* - Martin Luther: Did he destroy the church? Reluctant Reformer? Compare and contrast with Calvin, Erasmus, Zwingli, or Simons.

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