Friday, September 11, 2015

Practising Guitar

I got back from the west coast on Monday of this week, and I've quickly settled back into my Mon-Fri work routine.  It's nice to arrive on a Sunday and having Monday off work (Labour Day) as a way of getting resettled and organized for the rest of the work week.

I started learning guitar a few weeks ago.  I planned on having a instructor, but after finding out that they charge $25 for 30 minutes, I decided to do it for free instead, via DVD, at least until I know the basics.  So a friend of mine, Garnet, lent me the Steve Krenz dvd series, and I've been learning that way for the past month, and it's working for me.  This week, I practised 15-30 minutes every day.  I'm using two guitars, Garnet's old one, and one I borrowed from work.

The weather's noticeably cooler at night lately.  Summer's last few weeks are upon us.  Tomorrow I want to mow the lawn, do some gardening, and of course, play some more guitar.

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