Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Housemate Adjustments

Nasser's been here for 2 months now, and I have to say, things are going much better than expected.  Not only is he clean and conscientious, he's also good company.

Since his arrival we've done a few things that have strengthened bonds of friendship: we've cooked a few meals together, we eat one meal a week together, we've had a few bbqs, and we go grocery shopping together every second Saturday (although I have to say, it's somewhat annoying to shop with someone who likes to spend 2 hours in a grocery store; it takes me 20 minutes, how could it take someone 2 hours!!!!???).

He's from Iran, a good guy who's left his wife and son behind in Tehran to seek fortune in a foreign land with a different language and strange customs.  Brave.

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