Friday, February 11, 2011

More Toothache

I talked to my friend Anoush yesterday about my experience at the dentist last week, and she mentioned that that experience is quite common: you go in for a cleaning, you're told that unless you do such and such your teeth are going to rot and fall out in the next few years and you'll suffer from a bad self esteem problem as a result, and so the best solution is to do x, y, or z.

She actually said that most dentists work on that premise (let's call it the fear mongering approach). Sadly, I capitulated.

But she knows a conservative (her term, not mine) dentist who doesn't throw the knife at everything he sees. I'll give him a try next time. If I have a bad experience with him I'm never going back to the dentist!

In the meantime, my tooth still aches...

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