Monday, January 24, 2011

Ralph Update

Here's an email I sent my friends today regarding Ralph's condition:

Good evening dear friends, I trust you've all had a good week. I am very grateful for your phone calls and emails, offers to cook meals or meet up for coffee, and offers to visit Ralph and read to him. My sister's family has been equally inundated with love .. Melanie hasn't had to cook a single meal this past week, as people from her church have brought fresh food to her doorstep everyday. We are so blessed to have you as friends....

Some of you have asked for an update on Ralph's situation, so here goes: this time I'll keep it short, really!

* in one sense, his condition has not changed, he's still in an induced coma; we met with the doctors on Thursday night and their concern is still the same: the severity of his brain and neck injuries. They will be unable to determine his status until such time as his sedation levels are lowered and he "wakes up". Currently, his brain pressure is still too high and his head too swollen to conduct any meaningful testing.
* on the other hand, he has improved very very much since one week ago: his brain swelling seems to have climaxed and is on the way down (he looked "good" today, for the first time). The nurses began decreasing sedation levels on Friday, and that went well until today when he didn't respond well (brain pressure increased) so they had to up his sedation levels slightly.

Please continue to pray for the doctors, nurses, Melanie's family, and Ralph.

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