Saturday, January 22, 2011

Angels At A Car Crash

Ralph's accident is still enveloped in mystery, but a few things are becoming clearer. For one thing, God sent some angels to follow him on the road.

It seems that the accident on Sunday occurred while Ralph was on his way home from church. He was driving on Clayburn Road, when his car hydroplaned upon hitting a sea of still-standing water. This makes sense, as the sudden warm temperatures of the past few days melted all the snow from the snowfalls earlier last week, overflowing the ditches with water.

There were apparently 3 witnesses - angels - who appeared at the accident site within a very short time of the accident: these angels saved his life. The first one actually saw the water-wall that went up when the car hit the standing water, as he was driving behind Ralph: the car flew up in the air, hit a poll further down the street, and then landed in the ditch. The man stopped his car, ran towards the ditch, and upon arriving there noticed that the car was fully submerged. He jumped into the muddy, ice-cold water, and began feeling his way, looking for signs of life. At first, he found none.

A second angel appeared out of nowhere (was he real?), also in the water, and together the two of them were able to locate Ralph inside the car (on the passenger side!), pry him loose, and bring him out. By that time, Ralph had been under water for at least 2 minutes.

The third angel appeared in the form of a nurse, who performed CPR on Ralph and stabilized him. The wife of the first angel had already notified 911, and in an amazing display of emergency response, the ambulance arrived shortly afterwards. It was immediately determined that Ralph's condition was critical and that he would need extremely urgent care. The decision was made to airlift him to the hospital in New Westminster.

Thank you Lord for sending your angels in the form of Good Samaritans. We bless and praise you, and ask for many blessings upon them.

Here are two articles related to the accident:
1- January 18
2- January 19

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