Friday, March 06, 2009

Cuernavaca: Tepoztlán, Tepozteco, Colorines, Lucca

I think today was probably my favourite day of the trip so far, for various reasons. One, we visited a lovely little town called Tepoztlán; two, we hiked up to the pyramid of Tepozteco; three, we ate great food (again): at Colorines for lunch, and Lucca for dinner; and four, it was Jennifer's birthday, a day well worth celebrating!

Morning: Rubén, Sanjit, Jennifer and I got into Rubén and Tati's Jetta, bound for Tepoztlan. Poor Tatiana had to go to work, while the rest of us went out and had fun. :(

The weather was hot (but not humid), and I didn't mind that at all. We drove for about an hour, until we got to Tepoztlán. On the way there I took a little time to do some reading. I'm reading a fantastic book called The Way of the Modern World: Or, Why it's Tempting to Live as if God doesn't Exist. Jennifer took the picture below. I wonder if I always look that angry when I read...

Once in Tepoztlán we parked our car and walked through the town on our way to foot of the mountain we were about to hike. It seemed like a quiet, sleepy little town. Then again, it was only about 9am, and many of the tiendas were not even open yet.

I find the name of the boutique in the picture above quite interesting. I wonder what the story behind choosing that name is! Or then again, maybe it's better I don't know...

Just before beginning our hike, we stopped for a freshly squeezed orange juice. It was precisely what we needed before conquering the mountain.

Once on the mountain, memories of hot and sunny Vancouver hiking days on the Grouse Grind flooded my mind, it was great. The distance of the hike is approximately 2kms, compared with 2.9km of the Grouse Grind, and the elevation rise was about 500m, compared with 900m of the Grouse Grind. The Grouse Grind is more demanding for sure (it's one relentless climb!), but overall I found them quite similar.

We made it to the Tepozteco pyramid in just over an hour. I was quite proud of our achievement, because even just a few minutes before we began the hike there were already rumblings of discontent, of having to do such a strenuous hike while on vacation. Sanjit was adamant that he would just "wait for us at the bottom" and Jennifer also didn't feel energetic to come along. But alas, we all encouraged one another and made it to the top. I think the rewards - the pyramid, and a breathtaking view of Tepoztlán - were well worth it.

After spending about 45 minutes at the pyramid, we began making our way back down. The descent was quicker, it took us under an hour to get back. I was beginning to get hungry, when Rubén suggested we go and eat lunch at Colorines, the most colourful restaurant I've yet seen in Mexico.

They served a fantastic coffee here too, called Café de Olla. What's unique about this coffee is the way it's prepared, in earthenware pots. In addition, cinammon, aniseeds, and piloncillo (dark sugar) are also part of the formula. The result is something like the picture below shows. (Most people drink it dark, without milk. I, wimp that I am, added milk).

After a scrumptious lunch, we made our way through the town back to our car, and then back to Cuernavaca.

Evening: In the evening we celebrated Jennifer. We drove around town looking for several restaurants that Tatiana was recommending, but none of the options worked out. Finally, after driving around for about 30 minutes we just parked the car along a busy strip in town and walked around, looking for a place to dine. Our noses eventually led us to Lucca, an Italian food restaurant.

I ordered breaded chicken in a tomato sauce, mashed potatoes and salad (not the most Italian selection, I suppose), along with a glass of white Chardonnay. Jennifer ordered some kind of seafood pasta and a glass of red wine.

The atmosphere in the restaurant was nice and peaceful, just perfect after a day of strenuous physical exertion. Actually, I felt a little guilty by the end of the meal because I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open.

We got back to Rubén and Tati's place late, close to midnight. Those of us that went on the hike went to bed exhausted, but well satisfied. It was a great day from beginning to end.

Tomorrow yet another adventure begins, as we go on the road again. We're going to take Rubén and Tati's Jetta for a nice little roadtrip. We're going southwest: Cuernavaca - Taxco - Acapulco.

Thank you God for this wonderful day, full of activities, food, and friendship. Thank you also for Jennifer, for her life and for the many ways she has been a blessing to me and many others. Bless her abundantly, according to your goodness. I pray that she would seek you in humility and honesty. Please remember her in your kingdom. Let it be so.

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