Monday, March 09, 2009

Acapulco, Cuernavaca

We were supposed to leave Acapulco before noon, but we didn't leave until almost 1:30 in the afternoon, a sign that we were really enjoying ourselves. Truthfully, it was hard to pull myself off the beach today, and onto the road back to Cuernavaca.

Of our short stay in Acapulco, today was the only day where all of us where together at the beach.

Sanjit was certainly enjoying the sun. Ruth, the woman who'd given Tati, Rubén and I a back massage for an amazing $4 each yesterday, must have got home last night and kicked herself for charging us so little, because today she charged Sanjit $12!

Rubén and Tati once again parked themselves under an umbrella and just enjoyed each other's company there. Tati read a book, while Rubén amused himself by people-watching, teasing Tati, and periodically going for a swim.

I think I was the happiest of the bunch, however. The pictures below explain it all.....

After saying goodbye to the gentle breezes and the warm weather of Acapulco, we hit the highway once again, in a north-easterly direction. Here are a few pictures of the scenery along the way.

We got back to Cuernavaca exhausted, around 8 in the evening. It was our last night together, so we decided to take a group picture. Sadly, it's the only picture we took at Rubén and Tati's place. They had a cozy little place, with a great terraza that would've been well worth taking a picture of.

Impression of the Day: My impression of Acapulco was as I thought it would be. I liked going there, it was hot and the beach was nice, but I've been to nicer beaches in Cuba and Brasil, and I'm sure there are nicer beaches in other parts of this country. The highlight of our stay there was the wonderful people.

Jennifer, especially, made an impression on me when I saw her at the beach. We connected in a way that I, at least, think was special. One of the pictures above captures this connection well. It's the one where it looks like we're dancing. We were not. We were just immersed in our senses, enjoying our last few minutes together in a wonderful place.

It's appropriate that we took advantage of those last few moments together, because tomorrow our trip itineraries diverge. I will head north, to Guanajuato, via Mexico City. She, on the other hand, will first head east to Puebla, and then south to Oaxaca. We will meet up again in Mexico City next Friday afternoon.

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