Saturday, May 31, 2008

I'm A Horrible Cook

I've been fighting acid reflux lately: stomach acids coming up my throat at night while I sleep. I wake up in the morning with horrendous throat pain, to such degree that I can't really enjoy any foods, because swallowing hurts so much.

So I did some research on what to eat, and one of the foods recommended for this condition is pasta. Great, my favourite!

Problem is, I'm a horrible cook. I followed a recipe today to the letter of the law, and what I got was penne with buttery milk, rather than penne alfredo. I didn't get a creamy sauce. Rather, I got runny milk that I could've drank out of a glass. Pathetic. I managed to down half of it, but my guess is tomorrow morning I'll wake up not only with a sore throat, but a sore stomach too, from all the grease I injested.

So, add a weight-loss program to the reflux. Nice...

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