Thursday, May 15, 2008

Breakfast, Airport, Dinner

One of the benefits of being unemployed (or as a friend recently suggested I term it, job-free), is that I get to be present to my friends. I get to serve them in ways that seem insignificant to me, but mean a lot to them, because of their busy schedules. Serving is indeed a true Christian privilege.

Breakfast: I made In Young a pancake breakfast. He came over around 8:3oam. I baked fresh bread, made pancakes, and of course, served coffee and orange juice. We had a great time of fellowship, which ended in a time of prayer and mutual edification.

Airport: My dear friend Clau departed for Kenya this morning on a Missions trip. She'll be there for one month, doing development work/training with Somali refugees. I had the privilege of being a small part of this, by driving her to the airport, and praying for/with her for safety and spiritual growth. May Clau and her group "witness" the work that God already is doing in Kenya, and "participate", even if in a small way, in building the Kingdom to come.

Dinner: In the evening I went out for dinner with Jen. It was a great evening, on all accounts. We went to a Moroccan restaurant, my first such experience. The food was good (dessert was average), the atmosphere great, and of course, the company was also grand. After dinner we went for a walk, before heading home.

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