Friday, May 09, 2008

A Nice Walk

I went for a walk yesterday afternoon. It was cloudy, windy, and chilly, but still, I enjoyed the fresh air. Here are some pics I took:

Once I arrived at GI, I ordered myself a scrumptious "Cocco Ricco", an European hot chocolate (basically chocolate pudding "watered down" with hot milk). It was soooooo yummy. I also took out Alexander Schmemann's "For the Life of the World", a book on the Orthodox Church and sacramental theology, and read it for a good hour and a half. I've been nibbling at this book for ages, but I keep having to re-read sections because it's so dense (and my brain is so small)!

Here is a quote for thought, pertaining to the meaning of the Eucharistic sacrament: "[Christ] .. is our bread - because from the very beginning all our hunger was a hunger for Him and all our bread was but a symbol of Him, a symbol that had to become reality. . . His life was totally, absolutely eucharistic (full of praise, adoration, and thanksgiving) - all of it was transformed into communion with God and all of it ascended into heaven. And now He shares this glorified life with us." (43, italics his, parenthesis mine).

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