Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Rock That Is Solid: A Prayer

As we quieten our hearts and minds, we invite you Holy Spirit, to continue your presence in and among us. Keep our hearts and minds focused on you and on what you want to say to us.

Heavenly Father, on this cold, crisp night we come to you in a spirit of praise and adoration.
We worship you, for you are worthy to be praised.

You are our refuge.
You are our strong tower against all that troubles us.
You protect us under the shelter of your wings,
And we long to dwell in your tent forever.

We come to you as broken vessels.
We confess and acknowledge our sins before you and one another.

We turn away from you and seek refuge in other people or things.
We lean on the towers of wealth, education, image, or status,
And we pretend we are self-sufficient, in no need of grace.
Indeed, we sometimes live as though things this side of eternity are everlasting and all-important.
And we forget, or more likely, we ignore
the great things you have in store for us in the life hereafter.

With the Psalmist we say “Hear our cry, Oh God!”
And from the ends of the earth we call to you, as our heart grows faint.
Have mercy on us.

Cleanse our hearts and our minds, and restore within us the joy of salvation.
Envelop us with your peace, your love, your gentle care.
Change and mould us into the likeness of your Son Jesus.
That sweet name,
That precious name,
Exalted above all names.

Lord, in your Mercy, hear our prayer!

We live in a beautiful city,
and in a peaceful country.
Thank you Heavenly Father for the opportunities to work, study, and live in a city like ours.
Thank you Heavenly Father for the safety and peace this nation offers; for the robust economic, health, and education systems.

And yet not all is right. Not all is beautiful in our city.
As we sit here comfortably, the homeless wander the streets hungry, thirsty, cold, and without a place to lay their head.

Have mercy on us, Lord, for being cold-hearted.
And teach us to share the blessings you’ve given us with those who don’t have them.

And likewise, not all is well with our country.
We are spiritually bankrupt,
And self-indulgent.

Increase the compassion of our nation Lord.
Increase the days of peace, justice, and reconciliation in the troubled parts of the world.
And Increase godly wisdom on the part of the leaders of our nation.

Lord, in your Mercy, hear our prayer!

Thank you for St. John’s,
and the many ways we are blessed here.
I pray for the clergy, the staff, and the leaders of services, Bible Studies, Ekklesia, Out of the Cold, Living Waters, and the many other ministries through which you draw people to yourself here.

May our fellowship in the gospel grow stronger.
May the name of Jesus be praised in this church.

Lord, in your Mercy, hear our prayer!

And in the final few minutes, we lift to you the following people.
Please name them quietly in your hearts and minds:

Family members and relatives

Friends and co-workers

We think of the sick, the grieving, the lonely, and the brokenhearted

And we think of anyone else the Holy Spirit places on your heart at this time

Lord, in your Mercy, hear our prayer!

You, Heavenly Father, are our God of love.
You, are our strong and gentle shepherd:

“Surely Thy sweet and wondrous love
Shall measure all my days;
And as it never shall remove,
So neither shall my praise.”

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,

Evening Service Prayer at St. John's Shaughnessy Anglican Church. Prayer is based largely on Psalm 61.

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