Sunday, January 21, 2007

A Day With Ralph

My nephew Ralph came over today from Abbotsford. He arrived at 10:30am by bus. I picked him up at the bus station downtown, and then we went to my place.

We immediately got down to business: homework. He worked on a project for his Bible class, and I read my textbook for History of Doctrine. Very cool.

At around 3:30pm I made us some sandwiches: garlic cheese bread, cheese (thanks mom), salami, red peppers, and tomatoes. I also made a sort of paste by combining olive oil, balsamic vinegar, onions, and oregano and basil leaves, and spread it as a base on the sandwiches. Then we put them in the oven for about 15 minutes. Yummy. Yummy is right... !!!

4pm .. made some coffee .. then back to studying.

At 6:30 we met up with my friends Eric and Paul at the 5th Avenue Cinemas, to watch a movie about the battle over this tiny island, Iwo Jima, between the Americans and the Japanese in WWII.

Afterwards, around 10pm, we went to Moxie's, a restaurant on West Broadway. All went well until Ralph tried to convince us that Hitler was a good man. I know he was joking, but what the...?!?!? He's a bright kid, but unfortunately he spends too much time playing mindgames and powergames with people. Seems to me he tries to see how far he can push the button before it detonates. Well, detonate it did, sort of, because my good friend Paul - a historian - put him in his place. I think he will think twice before he tries to play mindgames with us again.

Around 11:30pm we made our way back home. A good day on all accounts.

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