Saturday, January 27, 2007

Mom's 65!

I like birthdays .. so long as they're not mine. :D Today was mom's birthday .. so it was a good day. It was extra-special too, because it was her 65th birthday. After spending most of the morning and afternoon with Eric, studying at a coffee shop, I drove out to Abbotsford, arriving there just in time for mate before dinner.

Besides the usual family members (except Melanie and Heinz who are on vacation in Mexico), my parents had also invited the Janzens, a missionary couple from Uruguay, now living here in Vancouver.

It was a lovely evening with fabulous food, friends, and family. A few people gave tributes to mom, it was a special time. I love her so much.

My nephews Ralph and Neal played a few pieces on the piano, and I was blessed by their talents. Ralph especially, has an amazing musical gift. He played a beautiful Nocturne by Chopin.

Incidentally, for a second or two I even regreted giving up piano (for soccer) over 20 years ago, but then I remembered all the joy soccer has brought me and those feelings quickly went away. Still, musical instruments are a beautiful thing. Music is a beautiful thing.

Also, speaking of music, Mr. Janzen - himself a funny and very gifted man - recommended Sergei Rachmaninoff's Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostsom to me. He said it's his favourite musical piece. He talked about how much of Rachmaninoff's music is only now being discovered because during the communist era it wasn't available.

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