Monday, October 09, 2006

His Steadfast Love Endures Forever

What a beautiful refrain to read over and over again. This is the "response" refrain in Psalm 136, repeated 26 times, once for each verse. It seems to me that this is a very appropriate response to read on Thanksgiving Sunday, a day I spent in Abbotsford with family.

I arrived in Abbotsford early afternoon, around 1:30, a few hours before the festivities began. It was good to get there early, because that way I was able to "catch up" in a small group with mom, dad, and my niece Tanis, before everyone else arrived.

Everyone else, not just family members but relatives too, arrived around 4pm, and we ate dinner not too much after that. Dinner was excellent, as usual.

After dinner we went downstairs and had a time of family devotions. I tried to say a little something about the Psalm, and it went ok, but I find that my difficulty with the Psalms - actually not just the Psalms, but all the Scriptures - is to get to the "main idea" of a text. I like dancing all around the text, picking up all kinds of interesting tidbits, but I often times miss the central kernel of truth the author tries to communicate.

After opening up the floor for some feedback, we sang what seemed like 100 hymns, before closing the evening with fellowship and conversation.

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever!

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