Monday, September 05, 2005

Released From Suffering

On this Labour Day Monday, mom called me in the morning with the news that grandma was on her deathbed. Grandma is in her mid-90's, and has been suffering for the past 10 years from Alzheimers and other age-related illnesses.

In the afternoon I went to a small Japanese Garden at UBC. It was a lovely afternoon, but I will write about it another time, because of what follows: shortly after I returned home, mom called me to tell me that grandma'd passed away.

Again, she was audibly shaken and upset. We've been praying for a while already that God would bring grandma home, but actually coming to terms with the reality of a death is very difficult and intense, no matter how much we prepare for it.

The funeral will be sometime later this week, and I am going to prepare a few words to share at it.

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