Saturday, September 24, 2005

Mirror Reflection

This afternoon mom and dad came to visit me. We had a very good evening together. They arrived from Abbotsford at 5pm exactly (they are always perfectly on time .. something I could learn from!), and shortly afterwards we walked over to Rasputin Russian Cuisine Restaurant, a few blocks away from my apartment.

The manager of the restaurant was quite friendly and talkative. After finding out that mom was born in the Ukraine, he was quite pleased, and tried to make conversation with us.

Aside from a good dinner, we had a good evening together. Afterwards we came back home, where we drank some tea and ate some of the chocolate pie mom brought from Abbotsford.

I'm pleased especially because of how dad and I are getting along. Co-existing for us has historically been difficult. Getting to know and accepting one another has been a challenge, and it has taken a lot of hard work for both of us, but I believe that we are now at a point where we accept each other for who we are. Oddly enough, the more I get to know him, the more I see myself in him. I'm realizing that when I look at my dad I'm looking in a mirror.

I've always been thankful for my mother. She and I have always connected. But I delight in the thought of getting to know dad more.

Again and again I see evidence of God's grace and mercy in my life.

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