Saturday, March 19, 2005

Outside The Box

About a month ago I ate breakfast at the Cafe Marseilles (Cornwall Ave, Kitsilano) with my friend Rudy. We were lamenting the fact that U2 tickets were so expensive.

He'd just bought two tickets to their concert at almost $200 a pop, but was realizing that as much as he loves the band - they're after all the biggest band in the world - he could not justify buying tickets at such a high price. He decided right there & then that he was going to sell the tickets at a profit, since they were in such high demand.

I laid into him, asking him how he could justify selling these tickets for a profit, given that we'd just finished lamenting how expensive these tickets were. A discussion about "ethics in the free market" ensued, and I didn't make too much more of it afterwards, until a few weeks ago when I met up with him again and he told me that he'd decided to raffle off the tickets, and give all the proceeds to Hope International. In addition, he was going to include in the donations the money he spent on the tickets.

Amazing! I'm humbled by the fact that even though I had a "holier than thou" attitude throughout this discussion, something good still came of it. Not only is someone going to go to the concert at an amazingly low price (raffle tickets are $5 each), but as he said it: "some kid in Africa will get to drink clean water because of the money we raise in the raffle".

Kudos to Rudy for thinking outside the box. To find out more info, or better yet, to buy tickets .. check out the following link:

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