Wednesday, March 09, 2005

History of Cub

Don't worry .. this is not my life history. But I thought I'd fill you in on why I'm calling myself 'cub'. It goes back to my university days @ TWU ( Back then, I was given two nicknames by my soccer team: cougar & cub.

The first one I was given b/c @ the time I liked John Cougar Mellencamp. Remember "Cherry Bomb", "Born in a Small Town"? Ahhhhhh.....those were the 80's. Anyways, one of the guys on my soccer team started calling me cougar .. & it just kinda took off from there.

Now onto the second one. In the early 90's an indie band named "Cub" came onto the scene in Vancouver. I even managed to find a little info about them, even though as far as I know the band is now defunct: Regardless, they played an "upbeat style of sweet pop music" (as per website above).

The problem was that most of my friends, except one loyal buddy, hated the band, b/c the music was too poppy, and the talent of the band was .. well .. questionable. Basically, their cd's were good, but live performances 'lacked a little', shall we say. (Their drummer was especially talent-challenged. Keeping a steady, constant rhythm was tricky for her, and this posed a problem b/c most of their songs had the same poppy beat. I think eventually she was fired and replaced by someone else who if I remember correctly wasn't much better).

My friends couldn't understand why I liked the band .. they were dumbfounded .. bewildered. And it was in that milleu that one of my buddies, "Goose", started calling me cub. Well .. & the rest is history. Cougar was replaced by Cub, which is fine w/ me, b/c I like cubs much better than cougars, and furthermore, if I had to choose b/w Cub & the Backstreet Boys, Debbie Gibson, or Frankie Goes to Hollywood, I'd choose CUB everytime.



scarxxx said...

hey cub.. you like soccer? so do you watch english game?

cub said...

yep .. love soccer. you? i prefer the spanish league.

scarxxx said...

Oh I see... I much more to EPL games.. I love soccer very much...nice to know ya~

cub said...

hi kah wee. what matters most is that we both like the greatest game on earth. :-) peace 2 u.

scarxxx said...

both of us like the greatest and most beautiful game on earth.. peace~