Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Packing .. And A Daytrip

Mom and dad have been here the past few days.  Thank the good Lord, because while I'm relieved to be moving (primarily because of working conditions), I'm overwhelmed and stressed.  I could not imagine packing all my stuff in two days, travel north for two hours, then unpack it again.  I couldn't do it a year ago, and this year is no different.  It's so overwhelming...

Mom has been awesome packing the "small" - from cutlery and cups to socks and slippers.

Dad, on the other hand, while less busy, has been a strong silent presence.

This afternoon I convinced them that we needed to take some time and see the "neighbourhood" too.  So we drove to Gravelbourg, where we my good friend and colleague Janet for coffee at the Cafe Paris.  She gave us a tour of the wonderful cathedral there too.

Here are a few pictures.

At Café Paris.

The cathedral.

Tomorrow bright and early, the movers are coming.

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