Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Evensong, Oisi For Dinner

After work, Jen and Sanjit joined me at Evensong. Tonight's the last night I'll be able to enjoy their company on a Tuesday night, as going forward, I'll be teaching the catechism class at church on Tuesdays.

I'm excited to teach the course, but I'm sad that Jennifer's not in the class. I'd hoped that by now - 1.5 years after we began going out - she'd be at least somewhat interested in matters of faith, but alas, I'm wrong. Maybe this is what the gospel of John means when it states that "the Spirit of God blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes." (John 3:7). I believe this refers to the mystery, the paradox, of election: God elects those he saves, and yet, in a mysterious way, we are each responsible for how we respond to God's command to love Him and our neighbour (Matthew 22:34-40).

After Evensong the three of us went to Oisi, a southern-food (Louisianna) restaurant on Granville.

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