Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day In Abbotsford II

During breakfast this morning mother said to me something along the lines of the following: "From where did you get this mentality about not giving presents"? I think I gave some kind of philosophical answer, but what I really should have said was the truth: "The Bible."

It was actually a very good day. I had a good conversation with mom and dad. I was able to admit my feelings of inadequacy in my current state of life. I refer here to basically two issues: vocation and marriage. I find that the vocational question bothers me more than the marriage question. However, the two are related. Everything in life seems to be related.

For the afternoon our whole family met at Tante Erika's. I dreaded going there, but in truth, it was a very good afternoon and evening. Aside from the great (Mennonite) food, there was also very good company. I spent the afternoon talking to my cousins, mostly, all of whom have their unique viewpoints, talents, and struggles that they bring to the table.

We also played a great board game that I got for Christmas: "Ticket to Ride Europe." The game lasted about two hours, and it has similar combination of strategy and luck that "Risk" has (without the focus on warfare and world domination), but it takes at the most 2 hours to complete.

I got home from Abbotsford around 9pm.

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