Sunday, March 04, 2007

An Evening With Family And Friends

I'm writing this under today's date, even though what I'm about to describe took place last night.

Yesterday evening, around 4:30pm, 4 of my bestest friends, James, Petro, Carla, and Claudia went to Abbotsford for dinner with my family. It was a superb evening .. one of the best evenings I've had this year.

We arrived at my parent's place shortly before 6, and drank some mate before dinner. My bro, sis, and their families (including my 5 nephews and 3 nieces) came too, and it was delightful introducing them to my friends. It was equally delightful introducing friends to family.

After a few minutes of introductions and snacks, we gathered 'round the livingroom dinner table and ate a fantastic meal: baked potatoes, broccoli salad, chipa, rice, and feijoada (Carla loved this!) were only a few of the many goodies mom had prepared. Of course, dad did his part too, preparing a massively delicious bbq: steak and chicken (no vegetarians around our dinner table that's for sure!!!). My bro brought a bottle of red wine, and I brought a bottle of Portuguese rose also, which went very well with everything.

And dessert .. my gosh .. that's a whole 'nother story again. Karin made a cheesecake, and mom made a chocolate cake (sort of like a black forest cake). Of course, it didn't help that I'm lenting from coffee and chocolate .. but oh well, the cheesecake was up for grabs ... and grab I did. :D

After dinner we all sat around the table and enjoyed good conversation. In retrospect, it was more like a question-answer period: family-members asking the questions, friends answering them. Unfortunately, my friends didn't get to return the favour, and consequently the "conversation" was a bit one-sided. Oh well, next time...

Another highlight for me was when my nephew Ralph played a beautiful piece by Chopin on the piano. He is very good. It seems to me he loves to serve others with his musical gifts. Tanis, on the other hand, disappeared for much of the evening. Not sure where she went to ...

Around 10:30pm we made our way back home to Vancouver. I had so much fun. I didn't take any pictures - forgot my camera - my bad. Still, a great evening. God has blessed me with amazing family and friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds nice, friends yup, nice.